TMUX Guide
TMUX (Terminal Multiplexer) is a powerful terminal management tool that allows you to run and manage multiple terminal sessions from a single window. It is particularly useful for developers and system administrators who need to manage multiple tasks simultaneously.
To install TMUX on your system, use the following commands based on your operating system:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install tmux
sudo yum install tmux
macOS (using Homebrew):
brew install tmux
Basic Usage
Starting a TMUX Session
To start a new TMUX session:
To start a session with a specific name:
tmux new -s session_name
Detaching and Attaching to Sessions
To detach from the current TMUX session and return to the regular terminal:
Ctrl+b d
To list all active TMUX sessions:
tmux ls
To attach to a specific session:
tmux attach -t session_name
To attach to the last session you were working on:
tmux a
Creating and Managing Windows
To create a new window within a session:
Ctrl+b c
To switch between windows:
Ctrl+b n # Next window
Ctrl+b p # Previous window
Ctrl+b <window_number> # Switch to a specific window by number
To rename the current window:
Ctrl+b ,
Creating and Managing Panes
To split the current window horizontally:
Ctrl+b "
To split the current window vertically:
Ctrl+b %
Ctrl+b arrow_key # Use arrow keys to navigate
To resize panes:
Ctrl+b :resize-pane -D # Resize down
Ctrl+b :resize-pane -U # Resize up
Ctrl+b :resize-pane -L # Resize left
Ctrl+b :resize-pane -R # Resize right
Synchronizing Panes
To send the same command to multiple panes simultaneously:
- Enter command mode:
Ctrl+b :
- Type:
setw synchronize-panes on
To turn off synchronization:
setw synchronize-panes off
Copy Mode
To enter copy mode:
Ctrl+b [
To scroll up and down:
Up/Down arrow keys or PgUp/PgDn
To start selecting text:
To copy the selected text:
To paste the copied text:
Ctrl+b ]
Customizing TMUX
TMUX can be customized via the .tmux.conf
file located in your home directory. Here are some common customizations:
Set prefix key to Ctrl+a:
set -g prefix C-a unbind C-b bind C-a send-prefix
Enable mouse support:
set -g mouse on
Change status bar color:
set -g status-bg colour235 set -g status-fg colour136
Useful Commands
Kill a specific window:
Ctrl+b &
Kill a specific pane:
Ctrl+b x
Kill a TMUX session:
tmux kill-session -t session_name
TMUX is an incredibly versatile tool that can greatly enhance your productivity by allowing you to manage multiple terminal sessions efficiently. With this guide, you should be able to get started with TMUX and use its basic features. As you become more comfortable with TMUX, you can explore its extensive customization options to tailor it to your workflow.
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