📚 AWX on Single Node K3s
An example implementation of AWX on single node K3s using AWX Operator.
- Accessible over HTTPS from remote host
📝 Table of Contents
- 📝 Requirements
- ✅ Install K3s
- ✅ Install AWX Operator
- ✅ Prepare required files to deploy AWX
- ❌ Troubleshooting Issues
📝 Requirements
Computing resources
- Both AMD64 (x86_64) with x86-64-v2 or cpu type Host support bc the DB would not start , and ARM64 (aarch64) are supported.
- 4 GiB RAM minimum.
- It's recommended to add more CPUs and RAM (like 4 CPUs and 8 GiB RAM or more) to avoid performance issue and job scheduling issue.
Storage resources
- At least 10 GiB for
are safe for fresh install. - The actual consumption highly depends on your environment and your use case, so you should to pay attention to the consumption and add more capacity if required.
- At least 10 GiB for
📝 Deployment Instruction
Disable firewalld if enabled if not use kubernetes-firewall first before installing K3S. This is recommended by K3s.
cd firewall
. kubernetes-firewall.sh
✅ Install K3s
Install K3s with --write-kubeconfig-mode 644
to make the config file (/etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml
) readable by non-root users.
curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | sh -s - --write-kubeconfig-mode 644
Also add your subnet in noproxy in
vim /etc/systemd/system/k3s.service.env
#should look like this
no_proxy='localhost,, .dkfz.heidelberg.de, .inet.dkfz-heidelberg.de, .dkfz.de,'
✅ Install AWX Operator
Clone this repository and change directory.
cd ~
git clone https://odcf-gitlab.dkfz.de/it/trainee/awx-test.git
cd awx-operator
then copy or create (if needed) an certificat to the kubernetes folder.
PS: is not needed you can also specify the location of the Cert and key.
cd kubernetes
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout yourdomain.key -out yourdomain.crt -subj "/CN=example.com" -addext "subjectAltName=DNS:example.com"
After that you copied the Key and Cert file to the system. You can run the awx.sh script Also look for the AWX-Operator version
chmod +x awx.sh
. awx.sh
By default, the admin user is admin and the password is available in the
kubectl get secret odcf-awx-admin-password -n awx -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 --decode ; echo
❌ Troubleshooting Issues
Check Resources:
kubectl -n awx get awx,all,ingress,secrets
Create Admin Password Secret (if not created):
kubectl -n awx create secret generic odcf-awx-admin-password --from-literal=password=<your-admin-password>
Verify Ingress:
kubectl get endpoints -n awx
Check if the endpoint for
is available on port 80. If not, update theawx-ingress-tls.yaml
Some Usefull CMD
kubectl get namespaces
kubectl -n awx get awx,all,ingress,secrets
kubectl get svc -n <namespace>
kubectl describe pod <pod_name> -n <namespace>
kubectl describe service <service_name> -n <namespace>
kubectl get events -n <namespace>
kubectl -n awx get all
kubectl -n awx logs -f deployments/awx-operator-controller-manager
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